Silenced Senses

This artwork represents a malicious creature blocking off the vital senses of the figure. The figure is being puppeteered by the creature. The figure can not act on its own and has lost a sense of individuality. These are some of the ways I felt while closeted. I felt I wasn’t able to experience the world around me the way I wanted. I allowed norms to define who I was and how I acted. I made this work to better understand my experience since I did not allow myself to question who I was or how it was affecting me. This work allows me to reflect on where I came from and compare it to how far I have come.

El monstruo de Iguazú

A woman is fighting off a beast in Iguazu Falls In Argentina. This piece uses the golden ratio method in order to activate the composition. Used a live model in order to use as reference for the figure in the artwork. Carefully used line direction in order to render the volume of objects.


This represents the beauty and struggle that is coming out. The piece is actively fighting itself. The flowers represent the beauty there is in being yourself, although it comes at a price which is displayed by the snake wrapping around the flowers. The tree is decaying because it shows how rotting internalized homophobia can be. The possum is playing dead because it acts as a parallel on how sometimes one needs to pass as heterosexual in order to not be discriminated against. Gestalt self-portrait using objects found in nature.


El Amor de la Vida